阿里巴巴发布全新Qwen系列AI模型,支持多模态处理并适配移动设备 阿里推出其Qwen系列最新人工智能模型Qwen2.5-Omni-7B。该模型能够处理文本、图片、音频和视频,...


阿里推出其Qwen系列最新人工智能模型Qwen2.5-Omni-7B。该模型能够处理文本、图片、音频和视频,且效率高,可直接运行于手机和笔记本电脑上。现已于Hugging Face和GitHub公开,阿里巴巴预计其将被用于开发AI代理,例如为视障人士提供实时音频导航描述。


📮投稿 ☘️频道 🌸聊天

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分享一个纯净版 AI Chat UI


基于 NextChat 开源 Web 版本进行优化, NextChat 原版包含较多商业广告, 我对它进行了精简和界面美化, 效果预览:


  1. 访问在线演示: https://next-chat-web-lake.vercel.app
  2. 在左下角设置中配置自定义 API 接口即可开始使用。所有数据均在前端存储,不会泄露密钥.

docker 部署: 变量值修改为你使用的接口和密钥, 然后启动容器

docker run -d -p 3942:3000 \
   -e BASE_URL= \
   --name chatgpt-next-web \
   --restart=unless-stopped \

容器启动后, 访问http://localhost:3942 即可访问, 仅占 50m 左右内存

代码仓库: https://github.com/cweijan/NextChatWeb

自己部署 AI Chat 的意义:

  1. 我目前使用的 gpt-4o-mini, 通过 api 调用响应速度会比网页版快很多
  2. cursor chat 会计入 500 次快速对话, 因此在 cursor 内进行 chat 不划算

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Mac 窗口失焦、无法操作的问题

Ayatox: 电脑型号:Macbook Pro(M1 Pro 芯片)

从升级 14.0 系统开始一直有一个问题,从一个 App 切换到另一个 App ,如果是先点击右键,就会失焦。

文本框无法输入,或者个别 App 切换到英文输入法。也无法复制,如果是文本编辑器,输入光标都没有。


[解决的方法也简单] :

左键点一下任意一个 App 就可以了。



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AirPods Pro 2听力健康功能支持更多国家 澳大利亚、巴西、沙特阿拉伯、哥伦比亚和马来西亚的AirPods Pro 2用户将很快可以使用苹果在过去几个月中推出的听力健康...

AirPods Pro 2听力健康功能支持更多国家

澳大利亚、巴西、沙特阿拉伯、哥伦比亚和马来西亚的AirPods Pro 2用户将很快可以使用苹果在过去几个月中推出的听力健康功能套件。在这些国家,AirPods Pro 2用户可以进行听力测试以检查是否存在听力损失,如果确实检测到听力损失,可以启用临床级助听器功能来增强声音。助听器选项会调整用户周围的语音和声音以改善听力,还可以使用个性化的听力配置文件将音乐、视频和电话通话调整到最佳音量。苹果公司表示,随着 iOS 18.4 和最新固件更新的发布,听力测试和助听器功能将登陆新的国家/地区。

—— Macrumors

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Linux 6.15 Adds AMD Zen 5 SRSO Mitigation For KVM, Preps For Attack Vector Controls

While there is a lot of exciting new x86_64 CPU features coming with Linux 6.15, there is also some of the not so fun changes too: namely the "x86/bugs" pull request to bring the latest CPU security mitigation work to the mainline kernel.

The x86/bugs pull request has been merged for the Linux 6.15 kernel. This time around it has a new mitigation on the AMD side in enabling support for a new Speculative Return Stack Overflow (SRSO) mitigation for Zen 5 processors for that vulnerability dubbed "Inception". This new Zen 5 specific SRSO mitigation is for the Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) and labeled as SRSO_MSR_FIX.

This new mitigation for Zen 5 Ryzen and EPYC processors is what began last year with Linux Prepares AMD "SRSO_USER_KERNEL_NO" Support For Zen 5 CPUs. With Linux 6.15 the mitigation is landing in refined form:
"Add support for

CPUID Fn8000_0021_EAX[31] (SRSO_MSR_FIX). If this bit is 1, it indicates that software may use MSR BP_CFG[BpSpecReduce] to mitigate SRSO.

Enable BpSpecReduce to mitigate SRSO across guest/host boundaries.

Switch back to enabling the bit when virtualization is enabled and to clear the bit when virtualization is disabled because using a MSR slot would clear the bit when the guest is exited and any training the guest has done, would potentially influence the host kernel when execution enters the kernel and hasn't VMRUN the guest yet."

This doesn't change things outside the context of virtual machine (VM) use with Zen 5 processors.

Separately, the x86/bugs pull request has some preparatory patches to begin angling the Linux kernel to allow mitigating by attack vectors rather than controlling single vulnerabilities. That work isn't over the finish line with just some prep patches making it for Linux 6.15, but the topic is discussed further within Linux Attack Vector Controls Updated To More Easily Controlling CPU Security Mitigations.

More details within the x86/bugs pull request that has been merged to Linux 6.15 Git.

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最佳调 prompt 实践是什么?

liyunlong41: 让 AI 去完成某项任务,prompt 需要不断调试来达到最优结果,那调试 prompt 最佳实践是什么?
是先选定模型,不断修改 prompt 来发掘出模型的能力,来达到最优结果,还是先定好具体的 prompt ,切换不同模型观察结果? 各位有没有相关实践经验分享一下。
经常在让 AI 做一些任务时,很多时候不能达到自己的要求,下一步该怎么做,还是比较困惑。

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