消息称《生化危机 9》游戏将是一次重大改造

IT之家 3 月 17 日消息,消息人士 Dusk Golem 今日于 X 上发文称,《生化危机 9》之所以那么长时间没有发售,是因为该作将是《生化危机》系列的一次重大改造,类似于《生化危机 4》和《生化危机 7》。

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该人士称《生化危机 9》玩起来将完全不同于《生化危机 7/8》或是重制版,他称“该作尝试了新事物并非常有野心”。最后 Dusk Golem 还称《生化危机 9》几乎肯定将在今年揭晓

How the Biohazard Franchise Became Resident Evil

《生化危机》目前最新的正统作品《生化危机 8:村庄》于 2021 年 5 月 7 日发售,陆续登陆 PlayStation 4/5、Xbox One、Xbox Series X|S、Windows、iPhone、iPad 及 macOS 平台。该游戏获得了 2021 年度 Steam 游戏大奖、游戏大奖最佳演出、金摇杆奖终极年度游戏。IT之家查询 Steam 商店页面获悉,目前该游戏在 Steam 国区正进行 4 折促销,售价 79 元人民币,原价 198 元人民币,平史低。

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IT之家 3 月 17 日消息,根据 1818 黄金眼上周报道,张先生的一辆已经开了两年多的沃尔沃 S90,在几天前行驶中无故自动刹停,他自己并没有踩刹车。

张先生在 2022 年 6 月花了 40 万左右购买了一辆沃尔沃 S90,车辆配备有自动刹车防碰撞功能,车速在 30km/h 内时,前方有障碍物的情况下,车辆会触发防碰撞功能自动刹停。张先生称这个功能帮过他也坑过他,帮过他的那次是前方车辆突然急刹,防碰撞功能被触发,避免了追尾。

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而这个功能也坑过他几次,第一次是在 2023 年 10 月份,张先生在高速上行驶,时速在 80km/h 左右,车子突然刹停了一下,但当时前后方并没有车辆所以没有造成事故。当时 4S 店回复张先生说他的车子中网上有小飞虫

第二次在去年 4 月比较严重,当时在城区道路,车速在 50km/h 左右,车子在行驶中突然刹停了一下,由于后车来不及刹车造成了追尾,但当时由于张先生的行车记录仪坏了,在与 4S 店及厂商工程师对接时由于没有影像记录也无法说明责任方。自此张先生换了行车记录仪。在今年 2 月 28 日,张先生在城区道路左转时突然被刹停,几分钟后进入地下车库,在地库行驶时再一次突然被刹停。在经历了这几次刹停后,张先生把车辆拖回了 4S 店检修

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🖼 港股回调遇外资撤离疑云 中资股溢价收窄触发变盘预警 尽管南向资金上周净流入616亿港元,恒生指数仍逆势下跌1.1%,引发外资撤离担忧。中金公司分析师刘刚指...

港股回调遇外资撤离疑云 中资股溢价收窄触发变盘预警



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为什么在 Linux 下构建 APK 比用 Windows 快非常多


我用两台机器,一台 5600X 一台 7950X 。 5600X 那台装的是 Ubuntu 24.04 ,7950X 那台装的是 Windows 10 。 两个系统都已经更新到最新补丁,已经尽可能清空后台程序,且内存存储非常富裕。

对公司项目使用命令行工具构建出 release 版本的 APK 并且计时。 结果测速发现 7950X 构建花了 7 分 8 秒,5600X 花了 5 分 12 秒。是的你没看错,测了三次都差不多这结果。 更离谱的是 5600X 我甚至还把项目文件放在机械硬盘上的,没想到还是被碾压了。

公司项目也没啥特别的:AGP 8.9 代码规模也就 6w 行左右 过八成 java+不足两成 kotlin ,没有 native 代码,就这个样子。 构建任务:构建一个大的 app 模块的 3 个 variant (全 java )和两个小的 app 模块(全 kotlin ),总共 5 个 APK 文件。这三个模块除了共享了定义数据协议结构的库以外基本独立。测试之前已经预先构建过,用于把依赖下载完整,所以不存在网络波动导致的时间差异。

原本以为 7950X 的构建速度上理应碾压 5600X 的,就算系统不同,也不应该有这么大的差距。 实在想不出为什么会有这样的结果。 在 Windows 上我还特意用了Microsoft Build of OpenJDK 21的。

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41999 元,联想拯救者刃 9000K 2025 AI 元启版台式机“Ultra 9 285K + 64G + 2T + RTX 5090D”版首销

IT之家 3 月 17 日消息,联想宣布旗下拯救者刃 9000K 2025 AI 元启版台式机“Ultra 9 285K + RTX 5090D + 64G + 2T 版本”将于明天 0 点开售,定价 41999 元,除此之外,相应台式机还可选 5080 版本,具体台式机规格如下:

  • Ultra 7 265K + RTX 5080 +32GB RAM + 2T SSD 版本:22499 元,国补价 20499 元

  • Ultra 9 285K + RTX 5080 + 64GB RAM + 2T SSD 版本:25999 元,国补价 23999 元

  • Ultra 9 285K + RTX 5090D + 64GB RAM + 2T SSD 版本(新增):41999 元,国补价 39999 元

IT之家注意到,新款刃 9000K 采用了 360mm 的 CPU 一体式水冷散热器,具备 280W 解热能力,配备 Z890 主板、联想定制 RTX 5080/5090D 显卡,提供四个 M.2 SSD 插槽,搭配 850W 金牌电源。

其他方面,该机采用了 ALC1220 声卡,支持 Nahamic 电竞环绕音效、7.1 声道,配备雷电 4 及 2.5GbE 网口,支持 Wi-Fi 7 网络。

京东联想拯救者刃 9000K 2025 台式机 Ultra 9 285K + 64GB RAM + 2TB SSD + RTX5090D41999 元直达链接

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Ulefone Armor 28 Ultra 手机发布:天玑 9300+、首发 AI 超级热成像,749.99 美元起

IT之家 3 月 17 日消息,Ulefone Armor 28 Ultra 手机今日正式发布,新机搭载天玑 9300+ 处理器、首发 AI 超级热成像(需选择 Thermal Version 版本),售价 749.99 美元起。

  • Ulefone Armor 28 Ultra:749.99 美元(IT之家备注:当前约 5427 元人民币)

  • Ulefone Armor 28 Ultra Thermal Version:899.99 美元(当前约 6512 元人民币)


据介绍,Armor 28 Ultra 是 Ulefone 十周年之作,搭载天玑 9300+ 芯片(安兔兔跑分超 230 万),并且首次在三防手机上应用了 AMOLED 双屏技术。这款手机还提供 1TB 存储空间,支持 WiFi 7 网络。

在外观设计上,这款手机的灵感来源于高端腕表,摄像头模组环绕在方形表盘中,表盘中间镶嵌了一个 1.04 英寸 AMOLED 圆形副屏,分辨率 340×340、刷新率 60Hz。用户可以自定义表盘壁纸、音乐播放、拍照、通知、状态和个性签名显示等。

Ulefone Armor 28 Ultra 支持 AI 消除、 AI 换背景、AI 视频生成、AI 写真等功能。新机提供 16GB 内存 + 1TB 存储组合(LPDDR5X + UFS 4.0),并内置超 15,314 mm² 石墨烯散热。新机正面配备 6.67 英寸 AMOLED 主屏(120Hz 高刷、2200 尼特最高亮度),主副屏均支持 AOD(屏幕常亮)模式。

新机 5000 万像素主摄采用 Sony IMX989 1 英寸传感器,配备 5000 万像素超广角镜头、6400 万像素夜视相机、50MP 主摄级前置摄像头,同时升级 4 颗夜视灯、NightElf 3.0 算法。新机侧边还集成实体拍照键,无需解锁屏幕,支持 2 秒抓拍。

该机热成像版本 Armor 28 Ultra Thermal Version 采用了全新一代 AI 热成像技术,拥有独立 ISP,可提供专业级的热成像,出图时间缩短 50%;<40mk 超高热敏度,能捕捉细微温差;专业级 ± 2% 误差,行业首发的 SharpenAI 增强算法和 FusionAI 融合技术,实现了 640×512 热分辨率,25Hz 超高帧率,提升了热成像画质和细节。此外新机还增加 2 个图像模式和 6 个色板,可生成专业分析报告。

IT之家注意到,Armor 28 Ultra 系列手机配备 10600mAh 大容量电池,支持 120W 有线快充和 50W 无线充电,其出厂预装 Android 14 系统,将在 2025 年 Q2 季度末通过 OTA 升级至 Android 15。另外,新机还配备 USB 3.2 Gen 2 接口,支持 DP1.4 协议,实现高清投屏功能。

导航方面,Ulefone Armor 28 Ultra 集成 GPS、GLONASS、北斗、伽利略、QZSS 和 NavIC 六大导航系统,还支持 NFC 功能和最新的蓝牙 5.4 技术,并拥有 Widevine L1 认证

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AMD Ryzen 9 9900X3D Linux Performance

Last week AMD began shipping the Ryzen 9 9900X3D and Ryzen 9 9950X3D Zen 5 3D V-Cache desktop processors. We delivered Ryzen 9 9950X3D benchmarks and review for launch day but AMD sadly didn't seed any review samples of the 12-core Ryzen 9 9900X3D processor. Being curious about its performance for Linux developers, enthusiasts, and technical computing workloads, I bought the $600 USD processor on launch day for delivering some Linux benchmarks. Here is a look at the Ryzen 9 9900X3D against the rest of the Ryzen 9000 series stack, the prior Ryzen 7000 series parts, and the Intel Core Ultra Arrow Lake competition under Ubuntu.

AMD Ryzen 9 9900X3D

The Ryzen 9 9900X3D is a 12-core / 24-thread part with a total cache size of 140MB, down slightly from the 16-core 144MB Ryzen 9 9950X3D model. The Ryzen 9 9900X3D also has a max boost frequency of 5.5GHz compared to 5.7GHz with the 9950X3D. The Ryzen 9 9900X3D does have a 120 Watt TDP for those looking at a lower power alternative to the 9950X3D with its 170 Watt rating.

AMD Ryzen 9 9900X3D contents

The Ryzen 9 9900X3D is priced at $599 USD compared to the flagship Ryzen 9 9950X3D at $699 USD. At just $100 more for four more Zen 5 cores makes the Ryzen 9 9900X3D pricing a bit tough, especially with the Ryzen 9 9900X (non-X3D) being listed as little as $409 USD as of writing. Though for those desperate for a new Zen 5 3D V-Cache desktop processor, the Ryzen 9 9900X3D availability does seem better than the 9950X3D with more consumers presumably going for that flagship model. I had no troubles ordering the Ryzen 9 9900X3D retail on launch day. Though several days later at a number of Internet retailers the 9900X3D is listed as out-of-stock but still with an MSRP list price.

AMD Ryzen 9 9900X3D processor

Like the other Ryzen 9000 series processors, the AMD Ryzen 9 9900X3D was working out fine across tests on various modern Linux distributions. If you are running any sufficiently new Linux distribution you should be in good shape for support. If running the Linux 6.13 kernel or newer is also the added benefit of the 3D V-Cache Optimizer driver being merged.

AMD Ryzen 9 9900X3D on Linux

For this launch testing of the Ryzen 9 9900X3D, it was tested alongside other recent AMD and Intel CPUs including:

- Ryzen 7 7800X3D
- Ryzen 7 9700X
- Ryzen 7 9800X3D
- Ryzen 9 7900
- Ryzen 9 7900X
- Ryzen 9 7900X3D
- Ryzen 9 7950X
- Ryzen 9 7950X3D
- Ryzen 9 9900X
- Ryzen 9 9950X
- Ryzen 9 9900X3D
- Ryzen 9 9950X3D
- Core Ultra 5 245K
- Core Ultra 9 285K

AMD Ryzen 9 9900X3D Linux Benchmarks

All of the tests were recently (re)carried out using Ubuntu 24.10 with the Linux 6.13.2 kernel. Let's see how the Ryzen 9 9900X3D is performing under Linux.

Timed Linux Kernel Compilation benchmark with settings of Build: allmodconfig. Ryzen 9 9950X3D was the fastest.
Timed Linux Kernel Compilation benchmark with settings of Build: allmodconfig. Ryzen 9 9950X3D was the fastest.

Like the Ryzen 9 9950X3D, the 9900X3D was slightly faster than its X (non-X3D) variant for code compilation workloads while consuming similar CPU power to that 9900X.

Timed LLVM Compilation benchmark with settings of Build System: Ninja. Ryzen 9 9950X3D was the fastest.
Timed Node.js Compilation benchmark with settings of Time To Compile. Ryzen 9 9950X3D was the fastest.
Timed Godot Game Engine Compilation benchmark with settings of Time To Compile. Ryzen 9 9950X3D was the fastest.
Timed Godot Game Engine Compilation benchmark with settings of Time To Compile. Ryzen 9 9950X3D was the fastest.

For those frequently compiling code or looking to assemble a low-cost CI/CD box using a desktop Ryzen processor, the Ryzen 9 9900X3D did compile faster than the Ryzen 9 9900X. But you can find the 16-core Ryzen 9 9950X for around $545 USD compared to the Ryzen 9 9900X3D at $599. So unless if wanting the 9900X3D for its lower TDP, it would make more sense going for a 9950X for multi-threaded code compilation workloads.

OpenFOAM benchmark with settings of Input: drivaerFastback, Small Mesh Size, Execution Time. Ryzen 9 9950X3D was the fastest.
OpenFOAM benchmark with settings of Input: drivaerFastback, Small Mesh Size, Execution Time. Ryzen 9 9950X3D was the fastest.

The Ryzen 9 9900X3D does perform very well in some technical computing workloads like OpenFOAM CFD where the 9900X3D was faster than the Ryzen 9 9950X (non-X3D). Here at least the Ryzen 9 9900X3D can make sense as a purchase with better performance and lower TDP than the 9950X if not wanting to spend an additional $100 going for the Ryzen 9 9950X3D model.

GPAW benchmark with settings of Input: Carbon Nanotube. Ryzen 9 9950X3D was the fastest.

With the GPAW density functional theory workload was another instance of where the 9900X3D could outpace a non-X3D Ryzen 9 9950X.

Xcompact3d Incompact3d benchmark with settings of Input: input.i3d 129 Cells Per Direction. Ryzen 9 9950X3D was the fastest.

Or Incompact3D is another workload loving AMD 3D V-Cache.

OpenRadioss benchmark with settings of Model: INIVOL and Fluid Structure Interaction Drop Container. Ryzen 9 9950X3D was the fastest.

In other technical computing workloads the 9900X3D can deliver some nice uplift over the 9900X, but again if you are relying heavily on these workloads you would be best off going for the Ryzen 9 9950X/9950X3D processors unless you are just a hobbyist on a tight budget.

GROMACS benchmark with settings of Implementation: MPI CPU, Input: water_GMX50_bare. Ryzen 9 9950X3D was the fastest.
ACES DGEMM benchmark with settings of Sustained Floating-Point Rate. Ryzen 9 9950X3D was the fastest.
ASKAP benchmark with settings of Test: tConvolve OpenMP, Gridding. Ryzen 7 9800X3D was the fastest.
ASKAP benchmark with settings of Test: tConvolve OpenMP, Degridding. Ryzen 9 9950X3D was the fastest.
nginx benchmark with settings of Connections: 1000. Ryzen 9 9950X3D was the fastest.
Apache Cassandra benchmark with settings of Test: Writes. Ryzen 9 9950X3D was the fastest.
ClickHouse benchmark with settings of 100M Rows Hits Dataset, First Run / Cold Cache. Ryzen 9 9950X3D was the fastest.
ClickHouse benchmark with settings of 100M Rows Hits Dataset, Third Run. Ryzen 9 9950X3D was the fastest.
SVT-AV1 benchmark with settings of Encoder Mode: Preset 8, Input: Bosphorus 4K. Ryzen 9 9950X3D was the fastest.

The AMD Ryzen 9 9900X3D is in a bit of an odd position... It does provide nice uplift over the Ryzen 9 9900X in a number of workloads, but it's also much more expensive than the 9900X. At $599 USD it's just $100 less than the 16-core Ryzen 9 9950X3D. In some workloads the Ryzen 9 9900X3D does outperform the Ryzen 9 9950X where the 3D V-Cache is really beneficial, but the rest of the time you're better off going for the Ryzen 9 9950X in costing $545~550 USD.

TensorFlow benchmark with settings of Device: CPU, Batch Size: 64, Model: ResNet-50. Ryzen 9 9950X3D was the fastest.
OpenVINO benchmark with settings of Model: Person Detection FP16, Device: CPU. Ryzen 9 9950X3D was the fastest.
OpenVINO benchmark with settings of Model: Person Detection FP16, Device: CPU. Ryzen 7 9800X3D was the fastest.
OpenVINO benchmark with settings of Model: Weld Porosity Detection FP16-INT8, Device: CPU. Ryzen 9 9950X was the fastest.
OpenVINO benchmark with settings of Model: Weld Porosity Detection FP16-INT8, Device: CPU. Ryzen 7 9800X3D was the fastest.
OpenVINO benchmark with settings of Model: Machine Translation EN To DE FP16, Device: CPU. Ryzen 9 9950X3D was the fastest.
OpenVINO benchmark with settings of Model: Machine Translation EN To DE FP16, Device: CPU. Ryzen 7 9800X3D was the fastest.
OpenVINO benchmark with settings of Model: Road Segmentation ADAS FP16-INT8, Device: CPU. Ryzen 9 9950X3D was the fastest.
OpenVINO benchmark with settings of Model: Road Segmentation ADAS FP16-INT8, Device: CPU. Ryzen 7 9800X3D was the fastest.
OpenVINO benchmark with settings of Model: Noise Suppression Poconet-Like FP16, Device: CPU. Ryzen 9 9900X3D was the fastest.
OpenVINO benchmark with settings of Model: Noise Suppression Poconet-Like FP16, Device: CPU. Ryzen 7 9800X3D was the fastest.

AMD Zen 5 with 3D V-Cache does perform very well for OpenVINO... The 120 Watt TDP could make the Ryzen 9 9900X3D an interesting choice for some edge inference type deployments along with achieving lower latency.

Those wanting to go through around 400 benchmarks for all these processors can see this result file for all of my raw data in full.

Geometric Mean Of All Test Results benchmark with settings of Result Composite, AMD Ryzen 9 9900X3D Linux Benchmarks. Ryzen 9 9950X3D was the fastest.

On a geo mean basis for this wide span of hundreds of benchmarks, the Ryzen 9 9900X3D is slightly faster than the 9900X and still around 7% faster overall than the Intel Core Ultra 9 285K Arrow Lake desktop processor. Compared to the Ryzen 9 7900X3D, is 1.25x the performance as a nice generational improvement.

CPU Power Consumption Monitoring Overview benchmark with settings of Accumulated CPU Power Consumption Monitoring.

The Ryzen 9 9900X3D power consumption on average was 124 Watts with a recorded peak of 168 Watts, similar to the Ryzen 9 9900X and below the CPU power levels of the Ryzen 9 9950X series.

AMD Ryzen 9 9900X3D Linux Benchmarks

Generationally going from the Ryzen 9 7900X3D to 9900X3D were some very significant gains across a wide variety of workloads... Lots of areas where this Zen 4 to Zen 5 3D V-Cache upgrade provides very meaningful improvements while retaining compatibility with AM5 motherboards and DDR5 memory.

AMD Ryzen 9 9900X3D Linux Benchmarks

Similarly, a lot of areas where the Ryzen 9 9900X3D performance is a big improvement over the Ryzen 9 9900X. HPC / technical computing workloads like ASKAP, CloverLeaf, easyWave, Pennant, OpenFOAM CFD, srsRAN, Incompact3D, and others were all big winners with the Ryzen 9 99000X3D over the 9900X. Plus AI workloads like OpenVINO. Some conventional server workloads like the ClickHouse database benefited nicely. But the Ryzen 9 9900X3D priced at $599 USD makes it a tougher proposition where as the Ryzen 9 9950X3D can be had for just about $100 more and in some workloads like the Ryzen 9 9950X is faster than the 9900X3D with its 16 cores while costing around $50 less.

AMD Ryzen 9 9900X3D CPU

One of the areas where the Ryzen 9 9900X3D can make sense would be for some local/edge AI inferencing workloads where the Ryzen 9 9900X3D did outperform the Ryzen 9 9950X while having the lower TDP than the 9950X/9950X3D can be practical for thermal/power purposes. Again, see this result page if wanting to dig through the hundreds of individual benchmarks and power data for helping to make a more informed Ryzen 9000 series purchasing decision depending upon your Linux workloads of interest.

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