
miwang: 以前有时候出门在外的时候,想量一下东西的长度,没有随身带尺子,现下一个 APP 又太费流量(流量费太贵伤不起),要是有一个网站可以直接量长度就好了,这个想法一只在脑海里放着,终于终于今天我没什么事,干脆自己做一个在线尺子测量网站,纯公益,不投放任何广告,也给 V 友们用用。域名非常好记,就是 onlineruler.app ,在线尺子工具应用,直接拿东西在屏幕上直接测量长度,电脑、手机、平板都可以,支持 cm 和 inch 单位。

I have created an online ruler measurement website, which is purely for public welfare and does not display any advertisements. The website is onlineruler.app. You can directly use it to measure the length of objects on the screen. It works on computers, mobile phones, and tablets, and supports both centimeters (cm) and inches (inch) units.