MythTV 35 Released For This Once Widely-Used Open-Source DVR/PVR Software

The MythTV open-source project is now 22 years old for being this PVR/DVR software for TVs and home theaters. While PVRs/DVRs aren’t nearly as popular as they were in the pre Internet streaming era, MythTV continues forging ahead and MythTV 35 is now available as the newest annual feature release to the project.

MythTV 35 is no longer maintaining the Mythweb web front-end to the project and mythtv-setup for setting up your PVR/DVR installation has been replaced by a new Web App to serve as a setup wizard.

MythTV 35 also has hundreds of fixes, macOS support improvements, support for multiple CEC adapters with the MythTV front-end, Services API additions, and many additions to its Web App.

MythTV on Ubuntu

More details on MythTV 35 via the Wiki.