Intel Engineers To Return To Working On Habana Labs Linux Driver, Gaudi 3 Expected

After a few Habana Labs driver maintainers left Intel last year and the upstream open-source Habana Labs driver going on rather a hiatus, it looks like Intel software engineers will be returning to work on this upstream Linux kernel driver for supporting the Gaudi AI accelerators.

There hasn't been much activity around the "habanalabs" AI accelerator driver within the Linux kernel in several months now / a few kernel release cycles, following the departures from Intel last year. There hasn't been any real upstream Habana Labs driver work for Linux since the middle of last year:

Intel Habana Labs driver hiatus

The lack of activity also meant Intel has been late in upstreaming their Gaudi 3 driver support... To date this hasn't happened yet, contrary to their response to my Q&A last year that it would happen last October. There's been no Gaudi 3 driver patches made public yet, let alone anything queued in any "-next" branches for being on a pathway to appearing in the mainline kernel. That's been particularly frustrating to see the lack of upstream Gaudi 3 support yet, especially with Intel deciding not to bring Falcon Shores to market.

Intel Gaudi3

But a message from Intel software engineer Yaron Avizrat has indicated that they will be returning to working on the Habana Labs Gaudi AI accelerator driver. Yaron Avizrat wrote on the mailing list:
"Apologies for the long silence — it’s been a challenging period with the Habanalabs-Intel merger, but we're back and ready to continue contributing.

We'll be moving forward with our roadmap — upstreaming the latest HabanaLabs driver, including recent changes and full support for the entire GaudiX series.

To support this effort, Koby Elbaz and Konstantin Sinyuk will join me as co-maintainers on a regular basis."

It's great to see that they will be returning to contributing upstream and pushing forward with their road-map -- including "full support for the entire GaudiX series" which would also mean the elusive Gaudi 3 support.

Hopefully we begin seeing these new Intel-HabanaLabs driver improvements soon for the Linux kernel.

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什么年代了, mstsc 远程桌面与 ssh 的文件传输速度问题,仍然没改进

laminux29: Windows 之间的远程桌面的文件传输,Linux 与 Linux 或 Linux 与 Windows 之间通过 ssh 传输文件,都慢的要命,1Gbps 带宽都跑不满,很好奇他们的代码逻辑。这么多年都没改进,那些程序员忘了这个事情?


Windows 之间可以用 DuktoR6 来传输,

Linux 与 Linux 或 Linux 与 Windows 之间,目前实测最方便的是在 Linux 上搭建 FTP Server ,然后 Windows 使用 FlashFXP 来传输,比较方便。

Windows 与 安卓之间可以使用 github 上的 LocalSend 项目来进行传输。

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谷歌正在为搜索添加更多 AI 概览和新的“AI 模式” 谷歌搜索的 AI 化进程仍在加速:该公司周三宣布,将开始向全球用户显示更多类型查询的 AI 概览。谷歌还将推出...

谷歌正在为搜索添加更多 AI 概览和新的“AI 模式”

谷歌搜索的 AI 化进程仍在加速:该公司周三宣布,将开始向全球用户显示更多类型查询的 AI 概览。谷歌还将推出了一款被称“AI 模式”的 AI 搜索工具,它将以搜索为中心的聊天机器人带入了谷歌搜索的核心体验。目前, AI 模式只是一个测试,只对付费购买 Google One AI Premium 的用户开放,而且必须在搜索的实验室部分启用它。

切换到 AI 模式(它是搜索页面或 Google 应用中的一个选项卡)并输入查询,用户将得到一个基于谷歌搜索中所有内容的生成答案,其中穿插了一些支持链接。用户体验有点像 Gemini 或任何其他聊天机器人,但你正在与特定于搜索的模型进行交互,这意味着它更能够利用实时数据并直接与网络交互。

—— The Verge

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↩️ 中国称已准备好与美国进行“任何类型的战争” 中国对特朗普总统不断提高的贸易关税作出反击,并警告美国,中国已准备好发动“任何类型”的战争。 特朗普对...


特朗普政府又考虑把针对加拿大、墨西哥的汽车相关关税延迟一个月 特朗普考虑对部分北美汽车制造商提供关税减免,美国商务部长卢特尼克表示。特朗普将在周三下午决定是否调整对加拿大和墨西哥的25%关税。 来源:加美财经


特朗普对所有中国商品加征关税后,世界两大经济体之间的贸易战愈演愈烈。中国迅速作出反击,对美国农产品征收 10-15% 的关税。


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