↩️ 安卓闭源?谷歌辟谣?这事比你想的更逆天。 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/92QIjO1JeJPo3r4CtGMOAw


独家|#谷歌终止开源Android# 出于新闻报道和纯兴趣讨论目的,爱范儿对知名科技公司的战略做过各式各样的「沙盘推演」,设想了许多场景。 但没想到,最不可能的一种情况,居然正在 Google 身上发生。 爱范儿独家获悉,Google 将不再维护目前 AOSP 的公开分支,逐渐关闭相关的的支持性资源,并可能停止更新有法定开源义务(GPL 等协议的代码)外的组件的源代码。#谷歌停止开源安卓##谷歌关闭安卓开源# 海外媒体 Android Authority 最先报道了这一情况,Google 也确认了此事。…



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JS 全栈工程师 (远程)


[招聘] JS 全栈工程师 (远程) - 18-25K



  • 精通 JavaScript 全栈开发,熟练使用 Next.js 框架进行 Web 应用的前后端开发
  • 了解 AIGC 模型的部署或调优/了解 Prompt Engineering/ 关注最新 AI 模型
  • 熟悉并能够使用 Cursor, v0.dev 等 AI 辅助开发工具提高开发效率
  • 具备后端开发能力,能独立完成数据库设计和 API 开发
  • 在需求明确的情况下,能够独立完成从设计到实现的全流程(团队无产品经理,业务型需求会提供原型图, 介意的话请暂时不要投递)
  • 具备良好的工程素养,如代码风格、CI/CD 流程,能编写高质量的代码
  • 熟悉 Linux 、Unix 操作系统,熟悉 Nginx ,能完成常见的运维任务
  • 熟悉亚马逊 AWS 或其他云计算平台
  • 至少 2 年以上工作经历,有独立工作能力和主动沟通的能力(远程办公的情况下大家沟通很少,因此有要求)


  • 有 Django 或其他 Python 框架的开发经验(其实想招 Django 后端,但是感觉很难招到)
  • 了解 RAG
  • 英语阅读良好,英语流利者优先
  • 具备产品思维,能协助设计产品原型
  • 有 GitHub 开源项目或个人作品集
  • 学习能力强,能快速适应新技术和工具


  • 国内时区弹性工作制
  • 加班可调休或支付加班费
  • 全远程工作,地点不限
  • 薪资范围:18-25k/月(根据候选人情况定)
  • 社保:根据候选人所在地情况在支付宝里购买,实报实销,不包含在 package 里
  • 假期按照国内法定假期执行


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200 多天前发过一个帖子( Django+前端的全栈),后来是朋友介绍的情况下招到了人(确实这个技术栈感觉招人很难),目前还在我司。 原帖: https://v2ex.com/t/1070341#reply10

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Linux 6.15 Graphics Drivers: NOVA Core, Apple Touch Bar, Lots For AMD + Intel GPUs

The big pull request was sent out today of the numerous Direct Rendering Manager (DRM) updates for the in-development Linux 6.15 kernel. There are new drivers, a lot as usual for the AMD Radeon and Intel kernel graphics drivers, and a lot of other changes throughout for advancing these open-source kernel graphics/display drivers.

Some of the many highlights of the Linux 6.15 kernel graphics/display driver changes include:

- The NOVA core driver has been merged as the very initial start of this modern NVIDIA open-source kernel graphics driver. NOVA is being designed in the Rust programming language and makes use of the NVIDIA GPU System Processor (GSP) and firmware for easier enablement. But for Linux 6.15 it's just the very early start in laying the foundation for the driver and getting something upstream so it will be easier to work out the Rust language abstractions and gradually build up this NOVA open-source NVIDIA driver over kernel cycles to come.

- A new "appletbdrm" driver for supporting the Apple Touch Bar displays on various MacBook laptops using the M1 and M2 SoCs.

- The Intel Xe driver now supports Shared Virtual Memory (SVM) as a very useful addition.

- The Intel Xe driver adds the "device wedged" event as a means of reporting when the GPU is hung for standardized reporting to user-space of hung GPUs. The AMDGPU driver also is supporting this device-wedged event in Linux 6.15.

- The Intel Xe driver also adds EU stall sampling support.

- The Intel Xe 3 dirty rect feature.

- A new "survivability mode" is introduced for the Intel Xe driver.

- Additional Intel device PCI IDs for upcoming Xe3 Panther Lake as well as for new Battlemage discrete graphics card variants.

- GPU and VRAM temperature reporting with the Xe driver for modern Arc Graphics hardware.

- The Intel driver now supports GuC SLPC power profile tuning for Meteor Lake and newer.

- Support for the OEM i2c interface for RGB lighting and other controls used by some AMD Radeon board partners.

- New AMD hardware for unspecified future graphics devices with additional RDNA 3.5 (GCC 1.5) refresh versions, DCN 3.6, and other new IP blocks added.

- AMD RDNA 3.5 cleaner shader support.

- AMD Radeon RX 9070 series fan speed reporting.

- Dynamic workload profile switching support for the AMDGPU driver with RDNA graphics hardware.

- The AMDKFD kernel compute driver preps for a new precision setting with upcoming Instinct MI350 hardware.

- The DRM Panic handler now is using FIDO 2.2 specification encoding for the QR coded error messages.

- New panel additions for the display found with the Lenovo ThinkPad T14s Gen6 Snapdragon and the Apple Summit display panel (Touch Bar).

- The Freedreno MSM DRM driver adds Adreno 623 GPU support.

- The Mediatek driver adds MT8365 SoC support.

- HDMI support for the Rockchip RK3576 SoC.

- The Qualcomm accelerator QAIC driver adds support for the new Cloud AI 200 AIC200 accelerator card.

- DRM Panic support for the VirtIO GPU driver.

The full list of feature patches on the DRM side for Linux 6.15 via this pull request. Intel and AMD graphics driver benchmarks of their upstream Linux 6.15 drivers to come following the closure of the v6.15 merge window after next week.

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  1. 目前 671B 的大模型已经可以本地部署,就算没有 GPU 专门优化,高性能 CPU 跑起来似乎也能接受。
  2. 考虑到大模型的生产力和泛用性都很强,企业应该有大量大模型需求。
  3. 企业对自身数据安全有较强需求,确保本地数据不外流是基础需求。
  4. 本地部署虽然已经可以实现,但是可能的问题是,稍微部署几台机器可能输出性能不够用,多部署了可能用不完
  5. 模型本身不进行微调的话,出于通用目的使用,其实不需要有状态,理论上数据并存储的必要。
  6. 不知道如果企业共用模型的话,以现在的技术有没有办法确保上传的数据只用来过一遍模型,而不被第三方偷偷存下来?

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