Wayland Is On Track For A Very Exciting 2025

While the first quarter is coming to an end, there has already been immense progress this year to the Wayland protocols and compositors along with associated Linux desktop software for embracing this alternative to legacy X11/X.Org. From HDR color management seeing much adoption this quarter to Wine Wayland becoming more viable and the large number of Wayland compositors maturing, it was a pretty incredible quarter.

With the near-daily news on Phoronix around new Wayland innovations and compositor progress, here's a recap of the most viewed Wayland news on Phoronix as we wrap-up Q1-2025. All of the Wayland HDR adoption this quarter was fantastic, both KDE Plasma (KWin) and GNOME Shell (Mutter) are delivering solid Wayland experiences, user-space software like Wine and Chrome/Chromium seeing enhanced support, and other Wayland compositor/desktop innovations have been fantastic. If this keeps up the rest of the year, Wayland should have a very lucrative 2025.

Here's the 20 most popular Wayland news stories on Phoronix for the first quarter:

KDE Plasma Wayland Protocols 1.16 Brings Power/Performance vs. Color Accuracy Preference
KDE developers today released Plasma Wayland Protocols 1.16 as the newest feature update to this set of non-standard Wayland protocols used by the Plasma desktop.

KDE's KWin Wayland & X11 Code Are Now Split, KWin_X11 To Be Maintained Until Plasma 7
Yesterday marked the milestone of KWin's kwin_x11 and kwin_wayland code being split up. The Wayland and X11 code for the KWin compositor is now separate from each other but can be co-installable for systems wanting to support both X11 and Wayland environments.

Wayland Color Management & HDR Protocol Support Merged
As a quick follow-up to the article earlier today... The Wayland Color Management and HDR protocol support is now merged to upstream Wayland Protocols!

PCSX2 Enables Wayland Support By Default - After Previously Calling It "Super Broken"
The latest open-source project enabling Wayland support by default today is PCSX2 as the PlayStation 2 game emulator for Linux and other platforms.

Wine 10.0 Released With Native Wayland Support, Better HiDPI
As was expected this week, Wine 10.0 stable is now available as the newest annual feature release to this open-source software that allows running Windows games and applications on Linux and other platforms. Wine also serves as the basis for Valve's Steam Play (Proton) and CodeWeavers' CrossOver software.

KDE KWin Lands FIFO v1 Wayland Support, GNOME 48 Squeezed In XDG Toplevel Drag v1
There is some new Wayland protocol support activity this week worth mentioning for both the KDE Plasma and GNOME desktops.

GNOME's Mutter Now Supports The Wayland Cursor Shape Protocol
Racing toward the GNOME 48 finish line, developers have remained busy squeezing some remaining bits into place for this big open-source desktop release.

Eight New Security Vulnerabilities Reported Against The X.Org Server & XWayland
Eight new security issues have now been made public around the X.Org Server codebase that also impact XWayland.

Hyprland 0.47 Wayland Compositor Delivers Experimental HDR, GPU Hotplugging
Hyprland 0.47 is out to begin a new week with some exciting enhancements to this visuals-focused Wayland compositor.

Wine Wayland Merge Request Opened For Clipboard Support
While Wine 10.0 recently debuted with the initial Wine Wayland driver, that native Wayland support is still in early form with various limitations and yet-to-be-implemented features... One of the newly-opened merge requests for filling in another gap is clipboard support for the Wine Wayland driver.

GNOME Mutter 48.rc Released With Wayland Color Management, Dynamic Triple Buffering
Ahead of the GNOME 48 stable release due out later this month, tagged now is the Mutter "48.rc" release candidate milestone. While the feature freeze passed last month, there has been a lot of last minute improvements merged for Mutter to squeeze into this GNOME 48 release.

Chromium Embedded Framework "CEF" Seeing Progress On Wayland Support
One of the important pieces of open-source software still working toward proper Wayland support is the Chromium Embedded Framework "CEF" that in turn is depended upon by software like Steam, OBS Studio, Spotify, and many other software packages for having an in-app browser-type experience. The good news is there has been some recent progress on native Wayland support for CEF.

Wine 10.3 Wires Up Wayland Driver Clipboard Handling, Vulkan Video Decode Within WineD3D
Wine 10.3 was just released as the newest bi-weekly development release for this open-source software to run Windows applications and games under Linux and other platforms.

SDL & MPV Media Player Land Support For Wayland Color Management / HDR
Following the upstream Wayland Protocols repository landing the Wayland color management protocol for enabling HDR support and this morning's release of Wayland Protocols 1.41, the SDL library and MPV media player are the first two clients supporting this now-official protocol.

GNOME 48 Mutter Merges Wayland's wp_color_management_v1 Support
As an exciting late addition to the GNOME 48 codebase ahead of its stable release in mid-March, the Wayland color management "wp_color_management_v1" protocol support has been merged!

Niri 25.02 & Labwc 0.8.3 Wayland Compositors Released
The Niri and Labwc Wayland compositor projects are both out with new releases this weekend to further their efforts.

MPV 0.40 Media Player Released With Wayland HDR Support
MPV 0.40 was just released as the newest version of this open-source media player derived from MPlayer/MPlayer2. With the MPV 0.40 release there is support for HDR videos on Wayland using the new color management protocol along with a variety of other new features.

Wayland Protocols 1.41 Released With Color Management Support
Wayland Protocols 1.41 is shipping today with the color management protocol added for enabling high dynamic range (HDR) support on the Wayland-powered Linux desktop.

Hyprland Wayland Compositor Lands HDR / Color Management Support
Hyprland is now the latest Wayland compositor supporting the color management protocols and allowing High Dynamic Range (HDR) color support with capable displays.

Budgie 10.10 Desktop Releasing This Quarter As Wayland-Only
For fans of the Budgie desktop environment that got its start out of the Solus Linux distribution, the Budgie 10.10 release expected later this quarter will be their first release that is Wayland-only.

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OpenAI 表示,“在未来几个月内”,它打算发布自 GPT-2 以来的首个 “开源” 语言模型。这一消息来自该公司周一在其网站上发布的一份反馈表格。OpenAI 邀请 “开发者、研究人员以及更广泛的社区成员” 填写这份表格,其中包含诸如 “你希望在 OpenAI 的开源权重模型中看到什么?” 以及 “你过去使用过哪些开源模型?” 之类的问题。

OpenAI 在其网站上写道:“我们很高兴能与开发者、研究人员以及更广泛的社区合作,收集各方意见,让这个模型尽可能地实用。如果你有兴趣参加 OpenAI 团队的反馈会议,请在下面的表格中告知我们。”

OpenAI 计划举办开发者活动以收集反馈意见,并且在未来展示该模型的原型。首次活动将在几周内于旧金山举行,随后还会在欧洲和亚太地区举办类似活动。

OpenAI 正面临着来自竞争对手日益增大的压力,这些竞争对手在推出模型时采用了 “开源” 的方式。与 OpenAI 的策略不同,这些 “开源” 竞争对手将他们的模型提供给人工智能社区用于实验,在某些情况下还用于商业化。

事实证明,对于一些机构而言,这是一种非常成功的策略。Meta 在其开源人工智能模型 Llama 系列上投入了大量资金,该公司在 3 月初表示,Llama 的下载量已超过 10 亿次。

在最近的一次 Reddit 问答活动中,奥特曼(Altman)表示,他认为在开源其技术方面,OpenAI 站在了历史错误的一边。

奥特曼说:“(我个人认为我们需要)想出一种不同的开源策略。并非 OpenAI 的所有人都认同这一观点,而且这也不是我们目前最优先考虑的事项……(展望未来)我们将开发出更好的模型,但我们不会像前几年那样保持领先优势。”

当地时间周一下午,奥特曼在 X 平台上进一步阐述了 OpenAI 的开源模型计划,他表示即将推出的开源模型将具备类似于 OpenAI 的 o3-mini 的 “推理” 能力。

奥特曼称:“在发布之前,我们会像对待其他任何模型一样,根据我们的准备框架对这个模型进行评估。鉴于我们知道这个模型在发布后会被修改,我们会做额外的工作…… 我们很期待看到开发者会用它来构建什么,以及大公司和政府在更倾向于自己运行模型的情况下会如何使用它。”

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🖼 微软关闭上海人工智能实验室 地缘紧张下加速撤离中国市场 微软已悄然关闭位于上海张江高科技园区的物联网与人工智能实验室,该实验室曾作为微软与浦东区政...

微软关闭上海人工智能实验室 地缘紧张下加速撤离中国市场



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iOS/iPadOS 上的浏览器下载个普通的视频好麻烦


视频是 mp4 格式,位于内网的服务器。服务器是用 Nginx 简单配置的,加了基础的 HTTP 认证。

在 iPad 上平常用 Chrome 浏览器,找不到下载 mp4 视频的方法。长按 mp4 视频链接,弹出的菜单中没有下载的选项。点击链接会直接播放视频,长按视频只会选取文字不能下载,点击右上角的分享按钮也没有保存的选项。而如果是 mkv 文件,因为不支持直接播放,反而会弹出下载的提示,能够正常下载。支持播放的格式不能下载,不支持播放的却能够下载,感觉很讽刺。

Safari 长按 mp4 视频链接倒是有下载的选项,但是由于有 HTTP 认证,下载下来是一个 HTML 页面,显示 "401 Authorization Required",即使在打开视频列表页面时已经认证过了。直接点击链接会播放视频,通过分享按钮能保存文件,但是得到的同样是 401 页面。mkv 文件直接点击能够正常下载,长按链接下载得到的也是 401 页面,说明长按链接下载和通过分享保存不能利用已经认证的会话。看到其他帖子中提到了 stay 插件,试了一下保存文件竟然还需要点数或者开通订阅,就没继续,我怀疑它也不能直接利用已经认证的会话。

Android Chrome 长按链接,或者点击链接播放视频后再长按视频,就可以正常下载 mp4 视频,也不存在认证问题。桌面 Chrome 也一样,只是把长按换成右键单击。为什么在其他平台上如此简单的事情,在 iOS/iPadOS 上就搞得这么复杂? MacOS 我还没用过,不知道是什么行为,估计不会有问题吧。iOS/iPadOS Chrome 可以正常下载 mkv 文件,想必下载 mp4 文件也没有任何技术上的困难,为什么就不支持呢?目前主力的移动设备都是苹果,但是有时候遇到的限制真的很让人烦啊

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