↩️ Google Play Store 移除 P2P “分享应用”功能 https://9to5google.com/~


Android Nearby 新特性:用户之间可快速分享 Play Store 应用 http://www.cnbeta.com/articles/1091691.htm 大概看了一眼,付费应用不能 share,另外似乎是要开发者允许 share 才会出现在列表里面 (比如很多年没更新的缺德地图 Google Play 版就不能 share)

**Google Play Store 移除 P2P “分享应用”功能

Google Play Store removes P2P ‘Share apps’ functionality [U]

The Google Play Store has a Nearby Share-powered method for sending apps on your device to others, but this is now going away…